How To Use Liquid Paraffin

Liquid paraffin is typically used by the pharmaceutical industry to coat medicine tablets, in the cosmetics industry to create facial products and for home use as a laxative. It is oily, odourless and tasteless when cold. When buying liquid paraffin for use as a laxative, choose a high-grade brand with high levels of purity. Always speak consult your GP before using liquid paraffin for any medicinal uses.


  1. 1

    Measure out the appropriate dose of liquid paraffin, which is approximately one millilitre (ml) of liquid paraffin per kilograms (kg) of body weight.

  2. 2        Take the liquid paraffin with a meal to help prevent nausea and upset stomach.
  1. 3

    If you find the liquid paraffin difficult to take, mix it with some yoghurt or ice cream. Add an additional 10 ml if you mix it with other substances to ensure you receive the appropriate amount.

  2. 4

    Do not take liquid paraffin before bed, especially if you have never used it before and are not sure how your body will respond.

  3. 5

    Be prepared for possible side effects such as nausea and abdominal pain.

  4. 6

    Do not take liquid paraffin for more than a week without consulting a doctor.

Tips and warnings

  • You may wish to start with a smaller dose of liquid paraffin the first time to see how your body responds before trying the full dose.
  • Pregnant or nursing women should not use liquid paraffin, nor should children under the age of three. Consult your GP with any questions.


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