How to treat spider veins on your face and legs, tried and tested Story by Ellie Davis • 6d

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How to treat Spider veins on your face and legs, tried and tested

You may know them as spider veins, thread veins or more officially, telangiectasias, or just be able to recognise their presence through small red, purple or blue “webs” on the legs and face.

Smaller than varicose veins which are large, raised and swollen, spider veins are caused by damage to the smallest blood vessels. They are typically harmless - caused by genetics, hormones, birth control, occupationally from jobs that require a lot of standing or obesity - but can have a real impact on your confidence, especially when they appear on the face.

But instead of causing you stress, you can take a multi-pronged approach to healing or concealing their presence. We called on the experts to find out more.

Do creams work for spider veins?

Lucy Xu, founder of Premier Laser & Skin Clinic, explains that “While creams can improve appearance and provide temporary relief, it’s important to note that they shouldn’t be your only solution”. She continues “It’s unlikely that a topical treatment can penetrate deeply into the skin to address those veins. Spider veins, characterised by small, dilated blood vessels near the skin's surface, would be best treated with aesthetic treatments that can offer longer-lasting results”.

NY-based board-certified dermatologist at Spectrum Skin and Laser, Dr. Kristen Miller, also stresses that topical creams should be secondary to in-clinic treatments, she explains, “Standard treatment for spider veins includes laser treatment or sclerotherapy, which is a treatment where a solution is injected into the vein, causing it to collapse and scar so that it no longer fills with blood. Laser treatments directly destroy the vein by targeting it from outside the skin”.

What else can you do?

Both Xu and Miller highlight the efficacy of lasers. “Clearskin Pro’s technology combines non-ablative laser, vacuum technology and contact cooling to treat spider veins and other skin concerns effectively. IPL Skin Rejuvenation by M22 uses intense pulsed light to improve the appearance of many skin concerns. Both treatments are non-invasive, gentle on your skin and pain-free”, says Xu.

Miller also reveals that “larger varicose veins can be treated by surgery or through endovenous laser ablation, where a probe is threaded directly into the vein to destroy it from within”. She adds, “Radiofrequency ablation is another form of endovenous ablation that is used to destroy larger varicose veins”.

What ingredients should you look out for?

“You could look for a product that contains Vitamin K or Arnica, which may help prevent bruising” advises Dr Miller. “Arnica is anti-inflammatory and may also help reduce swelling and bruising post-procedure. Horse chestnut contains aescin, which, when taken orally, some studies suggest may improve symptoms associated with varicose leg veins including swelling, itching, and discomfort”.

She concludes “The most important preventative measure to take to prevent worsening spider or varicose veins is to wear compression stockings, although this should not be done without consulting your physician”.

The latter is hugely important. For long-lasting results, seek the advice of a medical professional.  

Reference:Evening Standard:Story by Ellie Davis 


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